QSA Partnerships

Partnerships with other development agencies is a key part of how QSA operates as a means of raising the profile of QSA with other relevant organisations. This gives opportunities for sharing of ideas and resources, working collaboratively and reaching a wider audience in advocacy campaigns. For example QSA is a member of the Campaign for Australian Aid, and its activation around the Federal budget called “Stop The Clock”. From elite influencing, to grassroots activation, to social media mobilisation, media and more – this campaign will utilise the campaign capacity built up over the past year and the collective strength of the sector to place maximum pressure on the Government to reverse the scheduled cuts to Australian Aid which if it proceeds, will take Australia to our least generous level of aid.

QSA is a member of The Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) which is the peak body for Australian not-for-profit aid and development organisations working towards a world where gross inequality and extreme poverty are eradicated. ACFID currently has 133 members and 14 Affiliates. QSA has been a member of ACFID, and its predecessor ACFOA, since the 1970s. More information about ACFID and the ACFID Code of Conduct can be obtained from QSA and from ACFID at:

Private Bag 3, Deakin ACT 2600,
Telephone (02) 6285 1816 Fax (02) 6285 1720

Through its Communities of Practice (COP), formerly known as Working Groups, QSA actively participates in the networking, support and advocacy opportunities. QSA is involved in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander COP; Africa COP; climate change COP; small agency COP; Finance COP; and gender equity COP.

QSA is also a member of the Church Agencies Network (CAN) which provides another opportunity for close collaboration at many levels, including advocacy, staff training and mentoring. CAN comprises Australian church-based aid and development agencies who are members of ACFID and many are members of the National Council of Churches in Australia. Currently the CAN members are Act for Peace; the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA); Anglican Board of Mission – Australia Ltd; Anglican Overseas Aid; Australian Lutheran World Service; Caritas Australia; Global Mission Partners; Quaker Service Australia; Salvation Army; Transform Aid, formerly Australian Baptist World Aid; and Uniting World. QSA actively participates in a range of collaborative and supportive opportunities organised by the CAN CEOs; CAN program mangers; CAN finance managers; and CAN program effectiveness group.

Downdload CAN info pack.

Some of QSA's projects are delivered in partnership with the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

QSA has signed onto the Australian Council for International Development Code of Conduct See www.acfid.asn.au for details.

QSA’s policies

If you would like to understand more about QSA’s approach to its development work, this website shows you some details of the various projects currently being supported, and for the theory behind …

QSA’s policies can be found here.

If you have a grievance, complaint or dispute find out about our procedures here.