Some of the fun and fund raising activities for QSA by Quakers in Australia
If you would like to participate in fundraising activities, please contact our office to discuss the details of the proposed event, and any resources that you will need.
QSA tapestry panel completed
With special thanks to the nimble fingers of the Quakers in Stitches group based in Adelaide, the panel has been completed. In the photo taken by Peri Coleman we have the South Australian Friends in Stitches with Sally O’Wheel from Tasmania. l-r back row: Junette Steffensen, Ann Rees, Christine Collins, Millie Stein. Front: Jennifer Mann, Robin Sinclair, Sally O’Wheel, Mary Loftus.
We look forward to viewing it during Yearly Meeting in July 2017, when the finished panel will join the others which have been completed as the collection depicting the history of Quakers in Australia grows.
Quaker shop Adeliade
Quaker Shop
The Quaker Shop in Adelaide has been running for 40 years. The shop sells clothing, and household goods at a reasonable price. The shop is staffed by an amazing team of volunteers and gives a high percentage of its profits to Quaker Service Australia. Donated items are always welcome. The shop is located at:
51 Kensington Rd
Norwood, SA 5067
If you would like to offer to volunteer with the Quaker Shop or have other ideas, please contact the QSA office.
Some of QSA's projects are delivered in partnership with the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).
QSA has signed onto the Australian Council for International Development Code of Conduct See for details.
QSA’s policies
If you would like to understand more about QSA’s approach to its development work, this website shows you some details of the various projects currently being supported, and for the theory behind …
If you have a grievance, complaint or dispute find out about our procedures here.