Are you happy with the way QSA is operating?

The QSA Management Committee, following its principles and values, is committed to achieving the highest standard it can in every area of its work. It is recognised that a key way of learning what needs to be done to improve our work is through handling complaints well. QSA’s Policy on Grievance Handling, Complaints, and Dispute Resolution has been drawn up to take into account the rights of all concerned in resolving complaints, grievances, and disputes, by open communication, in a manner consistent with cooperative work practices and in sympathy with Quaker teachings and ideals.

QSA’s Executive Manager, Cressida Hall, is the contact person for receiving complaints. She can be contacted at the addresses below. If however, the complaint concerns the Executive Manager, the Chair of the Board should be contacted. You may also submit a form to contact the Executive Manager or the Chair via a form on the CONTACT US page.

Quaker Service Australia
59 Boundary Road
Wahroonga NSW 2076
Phone: 0493 848 321

It is also possible to make a complaint directly to the Australian Council of International Development’s Code of Conduct Committee regarding an alleged breach of the ACFID Code of Conduct, to which QSA is a signatory.

QSA is a member of The Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) which is the peak body for Australian not-for-profit aid and development organisations working towards a world where gross inequality and extreme poverty are eradicated. ACFID currently has 133 members and 14 Affiliates. QSA has been a member of ACFID, and its predecessor ACFOA, since the 1970s.

ACFID administers a Code of Conduct committing members to high standards of integrity and accountability. QSA formally became a signatory to the ACFID Code of Conduct in 1996. The Code defines minimum standards of governance, management and accountability for non-government development organisations. Adherence to the Code is monitored by an independent Code of Conduct Committee elected by the NGO community. One obligation is the completion of an extensive annual self-assessment against the Code requirements. QSA’s adherence to the Code of Conduct demonstrates its commitment to ethical practice and public accountability.

More information about the ACFID Code of Conduct can be obtained from QSA and ACFID at:

Private Bag 3, Deakin ACT 2600,
Telephone (02) 6285 1816
Fax (02) 6285 1720

Some of QSA's projects are delivered in partnership with the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

QSA has signed onto the Australian Council for International Development Code of Conduct See for details.

QSA’s policies

If you would like to understand more about QSA’s approach to its development work, this website shows you some details of the various projects currently being supported, and for the theory behind …

QSA’s policies can be found here.

If you have a grievance, complaint or dispute find out about our procedures here.